A newer standard which is widely used to determine the true performance and stacking strength of packages is the Edge Crush Test (ECT). It is directly related to the stacking strength of a carton.
ECT is a measure of the edgewise compressive strength of a corrugated board or box. It is measured by the help of an Edge Crush Tester.
How Does Edge Crush Tester Work?
The Edge Crush Tester works on the principle of compressing a small segment of board on its edge. The crushing is performed between two rigid platens or plates perpendicular to the direction of the flutes. The pressure is applied until a peak load is established.
The peak load is measured in the unit of pounds per lineal inch of load bearing edge (lb/in). However, for ease and better understanding the final peak load is usually reported as an ECT value.
How is the ECT Value Measured?
A reliable method, the edge crush test (ECT) is extensively used in the industry to check the quality of corrugated boards and boxes, utilized for packaging products. The ECT Value is a measure of the cross-section crushing of corrugated cardboard. Determination of ECT Value is necessary in order to evaluate the ability of a sheet of corrugated cardboard to resist crushing forces.
The Presto Edge Crush Tester can be used to accurately measure the ECT Value. For measuring the ECT Value, a cross-sectional load is applied on corrugated cardboard until it collapses. Then, the ECT Value is calculated as the maximum compression force that the material can withstand, without failing.
Presto ECT Tester is the best quality Edge Crush Tester available in India at a low price and high quality. It adheres to International quality standards and complies with IS 70-63-2 standards. To know more features of this highly durable and state of the art equipment.
Why should manufacturers use Edge Crush Tester?
An edge crush tester is highly beneficial for evaluation of strength and stacking ability of corrugated boxes. It is a measure of the exact resistance and strength of a material. Using these results and the data complied therein, it is possible for manufacturers to produce boxes, packages and other products, by taking into account the material’s strength and protective capabilities.
It’s noteworthy that here the equivalent ECT values are given as a minimum value. This is because manufacturers or corrugators may use one of many different methods to make each type of corrugated box or board.
Each sample will vary slightly in overall strength. Now, it is important to note that different formulae for a 200# single wall corrugated will cause the equivalent ECT board value to vary between 32 ECT and 44 ECT. Corrugators need to understand what type of corrugated board is being used, before deciding to substitute any equivalent.
For reference, manufacturers can note that if they are shipping a product that weights between 25-40 pounds, then, a 32 ECT single-wall carton should be able to serve their purpose.
However, if manufacturers feel that their carton is going to be subjected to severe handling, the 200# carton might be a safer bet. It would be equivalent to a carton with an ECT of 32 or higher.
Presto Testing Instruments are the best Edge crush Tester Manufacturers in India. For further assistance, please visit https://www.packingtest.com or call +91 9210 903903 for more details and customization of the equipment.
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